
Showing posts from January, 2021


 HEADER, FOOTER & PAGE NUMBERS IN MS-WORD Header & Footer in MS-Word simply means that a Text which is written at the Top or Bottom of every page.  Page Numbers are simply the numbering on the page, which is made automatic by activating it through Page Numbers option.  Header & Footer can be found in Insert Menu. When we click on them they give us some pre-loaded options which can be used to satisfy your need of header or footer.  Another option given is Edit Header. When we click on Edit Header we get a new  Menu with a change on Document Screen which looks like as given below: MENU BAR DOCUMENT SCREEN Header & Footer: This gives us option same as in Insert Menu.  Page Numbers: This allows us to insert Page Number at      Top of Page: Allows to insert Page Number at Top of Page (Left, Right, Center)      Bottom of Page:  Allows to insert Page Number at Bottom of Page (Left, Right, Center)    ...


TALLY PRIME GLIMPSES Tally is all set with new look. It is only One day today since I have seen its new look or I should say less than 24 hours even. It's new look is very good. It has been tried to make Tally more easy for its customers to use. They have made it to look like windows with certain drop down menus in them which are not really visible until you click on them.  These are all the Menus given on Top under the Heading Manage. Alt + K - Company Alt + Y - Data Alt + Z - Exchange  Alt + O - Import Alt + E - Export Alt + M - E-mail Alt + P - Print F1 - Help    Also they have changed the way of entering data trying to make it more convenient for its users. Despite of all these changes they have kept all the shortcut keys same as they were in older versions.  Look of Gateway of Tally has also changed Earlier Accounting Info, Inventory Info, Payroll used to come under Masters but in Prime Master shows Create & Alter under which we can now create or change...

Paste Special in MS-Excel

Paste Special in MS-Excel Paste Special in MS-Excel provides many options. When we copy any data and simply paste it to some other cell it is copied with all its settings such as formula, font size, comments, etc. which are in it.  But Paste Special provides us the facility to not to copy things which we don't want. Here I would try to describe all basic points.  First of all we will see how Paste Special looks like when we copy any data and open the Paste Special Window. It may differ from the type of data copied.  Here we can see under paste many things are written. I have already described all above. Formulas: When we copy a cell which contains formula and we want to only paste that formula on a particular cell we use this.  Value: When we want to copy the value in cell to any other place than we have to use this.  Formats: This is used to copy the formatting of a cell to another cell. For example if we have changed the font size of a cell or change the forma...


  DATA VALIDATION IN MS-EXCEL YOUTUBE LINK:  DATA VALIDATON IN MS-EXCEL: Data validation comes in Data Menu of Excel. Data validation is simply used to find the mistake which may occur due to typing.  Here I will explain this with an example.   In the sheet given below there are marks of few students  Here you can see in the above table that there are marks of 3 subjects and by mistake marks of Hindi (Cell E5) which has to be 45 has been fed as 450. As volume of data is less it can be easily identified but in case of larger volume it won't be easy to find such mistakes.  Here the need of validation appears. There are two methods one that you stop the person from wrong feeding as soon as he enters the data or check all at once if not applied earlier.  As in above table we can apply validation on the Marks cell or Total cell. When we click on Data Validation its window appears as given below: Here under Validation Criteria we...