Cut, Copy and Paste (Files and Folders)

Cut, Copy and Paste (Files and Folders)

You all must be aware of Cut (Ctrl + x), Copy (Ctrl + c) & Paste  (Ctrl + v) commands and probably would have used it several times in Word, Excel, or any other application. 

Normally copying and pasting is not a typical task. But in case of files and folders one should know how to select files & how to paste them after copying. 

Selection: For selecting more than one file we can use shift and control key along with mouse. Suppose in a folder in which we have to select more than one file and they are in sequence than we can click on first file and than keeping Shift Key pressed can click on the last file to be selected. This will select all the files in between. After that we can use Cut/ Copy command. When files are in sequence we can also use our keyboard to select the files. Click on the first file and use down or up arrow key for selecting the other files. 

In case these files are in random order than keeping Control key (Ctrl) pressed we can click on those files which are to be selected. Here we should keep in mind that we have to click only once for selection. If click once more the file would get deselected. 

It is always necessary to use Cut/ Copy command after selection. Remember that Cut will remove file from the source place and copy will not. 

Pasting: For pasting we should know our destination. Once you click on your destination folder, you can right click with mouse and press paste in shortcut menu or click the mouse randomly between the files and press Ctrl + V for pasting the file. 

इस  प्रकार की कम्प्यूटर सम्बंधित जानकारी के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट पर ब्लॉग लिंक पर क्लिक करें। 

कुमार वैभव 
वैभव कंप्यूटर सेंटर एवं कंसल्टेंसी 
वैभव सदन, देवकाली रोड, 
फैज़ाबाद, अयोध्या। 
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