How to use Whatsapp on your Computer?

How to use Whatsapp on your Computer?

Most of us know that we can use Whatsapp on mobile only. In this blog I would like to share how to use Whatsapp on Computer. For using Whatsapp on Computer we should have 

1. Mobile with Whatsapp installed.

2. Computer with Internet facility.

3. Browser installed on Computer (normally all computers have it).

We have to open our preferred browser, you can use any Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Torch, etc. 

Here in the address bar you have to type: 

Once you entered this a page would appear with QR Code as given below:

In computer following instructions appear:

Once you follow the above instructions properly you can see your mobile groups and contacts on computer on left side and in right side you can see your chat. 

It makes easy for you to get your data downloaded on computer or sending any computer file to your contacts. 

You can send following things as attachments:

1. Create Room: With this option you can create a room for audio visual chatting with more than one person at a time. 

2. Contact: We can send contact in our phone to the other person. 

3. Document: We can send document files such as PDF's, Word files, etc. The document size can be a maximum of 16 mb.

4. Camera: But this we can use our Computer Camera to click a photo and send it to other person. 

5. Photos & Videos: We can send photos i.e. image files or video files by clicking on this. eg. jpg, mp4, etc.

With this you can also simply type and send message to your contacts.

In case of lengthy message which may need corrections can be typed in an applications like word, notepad, etc. and than can be simply copied from application and pasted here and than send. 

In case you want to send an image that is appearing on a window and is not in a file form, you can use snipping tool for capturing that image and than copy-paste it here and send. (if you don't know about snipping tool you can read the blog:

Tip: Use of Star in Whatsapp

Many of us want to clear chat but don't want some messages to be deleted for this we can put star on those messages. After this when you will go for clear chat two messages will appear:

1. Delete media in this chat. (this is already selected)

2. Delete starred message.

First message is selected by default. All the starred messages won't get deleted until and unless you select the second option. This is how you can save your messages and images from deleting. 

Export Chat:

This allows you to send all your message with or without media to your mail id or any other chat group in form of text file with our without media. 

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