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If is used to give condition. As we say in Hindi, "अगर ऐसा होता तो यह होता वरना ये होता।", same as happens when we apply IF Function. It's syntax is:

if(<condition>, True Statement, False Statement)

Above statement means that if a condition given is True, than result will be whatever has been written in true, else the result will be whatever has been written in false place. 


if(A1>500, "Yes", "No")

In the above case if number entered in cell A1 is more than 500 than the cell in which formula has been given will reflect Yes, if it is less than 500 than it will result in No. 

For understanding operators, how they function you watch our MS-Excel OPERATORS

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Multiple IF Function

When we have to apply more than one condition than we use multiple IF function. In this, at place of False statement we write another if with a true and a false statement.


if(<condition>, true, if(<condition>, true, if(<condition>, true, false)))

Here we have to apply as many closing brackets as many opening brackets we have applied. 


=IF(A3>500,"First", IF(A3>400,"Second", IF(A3>300,"Third","Fail")))

in above example 

if value written in cell A3 is greater than 500 we will get result First,

if value written in cell A3 is greater than 400 and less than 500 we will get result Second,

if value written in cell A3 is greater than 300 and less than 400 we will get result Third,

if value written in cell A3 is less than 300 we will get result Fail,

Here in all the cases above we have applied on > symbol 

so if cell A3 will have value 500 in it result will appear Second as 500 is not greater than 500, it is equal and as condition is not satisfied result will be Second. 

So if we want to include 500 also than we have to change the symbol to >= instead of only applying >.

formula would be written as given below

IF(A3>=500,"First", IF(A3>=400,"Second", IF(A3>=300,"Third","Fail")))

Now when we will enter above formula in Cell B3 with cell A3 having value 500

it will return value First

Hope with the above examples IF Function is clear. Will write more such blogs & YouTube videos be with us...

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