Tables in MS-Word (Part - 3)

 Tables in MS-Word (Part - 3)

(Borders & Shading)

Page Borders

In Borders and Shading second tab is Page Border. In borders tab we give borders to lines of paragraph and table lines, whereas in Page Border we give border to whole page. Here also we can select that where we want to give lines and where we don't want to. Line selection can be done under preview section i.e. - top, bottom, left and right border lines. 

Box, shadow, 3-D are same as in Border.

Style- In this we choose the style of line that will appear as border. For example if we choose below given style and press ok

it will appear like this. 

Color: In this we can choose different types of color which we want to give to border. But when we choose art in border than the colors of art won't change, they remain as they are shown in the art.

Width: In this we define the width of the border.

Art: In this there are different kinds of artistic borders which can be applied. They have their own colors which can't be changed. We can also add a border to our file by simply downloading and inserting it as a picture. It's setting will be explained in another blog. 

Apply to: In this we can choose any one from given below:

1. Whole document: border will be applied to all pages.

2. This Section: border will be applied to current section which is chosen. If there is no separate section than the border will be applied to whole document. Below are two sections in first the border is applied and in other it is not. 

3. This Section -  First page only: border will be applied to only first page of the current section which is chosen. Example if we want to give border to the front page and not to other pages. In below example border is applied to first page only and rest pages are without border.

4. This Section - All except first page: border will be applied to all other pages in the section chosen except first page. In below example border is applied to all pages except first page. 

Options: Border and shading options is different under page border tab.

Margins: Distance from border can be defined here. 

Measure from: this defines that border margin will be measured from text or from edge of page. Below figure will clear the difference.

Edge of page: In below figure you can see that border is how far from the cursor and is very near to the margin of the page. 

Text: In below figure you can see that border is near to the cursor and is far from the margin of the page. 


1. Align paragraph borders and table edges with page border: Ticking on this aligns the margins of the paragraph to the border the difference can be seen in below given images - one before tick and one after ticking.  

2. Always display in front: In this if there is an image in page which is somewhere near or over border and this is not ticked than it will look like the left image else right image. 

3. Surround header/ Surround footer: It effects on header / footer given on page. If we don't tick on it. it looks like left image else right image. 

Other options related to Tables will be described in coming parts. 

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