In PageMaker whatever options in menu are not dim can be changed and when they are modified, it results in change in Default Setting of that particular option in PageMaker. 

For example: As we can see in above image Document Setup is not dim where as Print option is dim. We can change the settings of Document Setup and whatever changes we will make to it, these changes will become default settings, that is when next time we select that option the changes done will appear. Now in Document Setup Default Page Size is set to Letter.  Whenever we click on New the page size appears as Letter. But if we want to change it to A4 or any other size we have to simply select Document Setup without opening any file (as you see in above image no file is open) & than change is to desired size. 

Likewise if we want to set Column Guides we can go in Layout Menu and do the changes in it. After the change whenever we will create a new file it will come with columns in it.

For Fonts settings go in Type Menu select the desired font and other things like, size, style etc. 

Changing default Outline, Fill & both outline & fill Color. 

For this we have to select the option that we want to change without selecting an image and than click on the color we want to be default. After doing this whenever you will make an object it color would appear as what you have selected.

Hoping this blog is clear. 

Please do leave a comment/query for this blog.

Will write soon a new blog related to PageMaker. See you soon. 

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