MS-EXCEL BASIC OPERATORS (<, >, =, <=, >=, <>)



(<, >, =, <=, >=, <>)

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When we use IF Function in Excel than these operators are required to check condition. This has been described in my channel link given above.

Here I am going to explain the same in writing. 

Using Less Than symbol (<)

When we use less than symbol in a condition that means the value should be Less than the value mentioned. If given value is equal to or greater to the value it will return false. 

For eg. IF(A1<500,"TRUE","FALSE")

Using Greater Than symbol (>)

When we use less than symbol in a condition that means the value should be Greater than the value mentioned. If given value is equal to or less to the value it will return false. 

For eg. IF(A1>500,"TRUE","FALSE")

Using Equal To symbol (=)

When we use less than symbol in a condition that means the value should be Equal to the value mentioned. If given value is greater or less to the value it will return false. 

For eg. IF(A1=500,"TRUE","FALSE")

Using Equal To symbol (<=)

When we use less than symbol in a condition that means the value should be Less than & Equal to the value mentioned. If given value is greater to the value it will return false. 

For eg. IF(A1<=500,"TRUE","FALSE")

Using Greater Than Equal To symbol (>=)

When we use less than symbol in a condition that means the value should be Greater than & Equal to the value mentioned. If given value is less to the value it will return false. 

For eg. IF(A1>=500,"TRUE","FALSE")

Using Not Equal To symbol (<>)

When we use less than symbol in a condition that means the value should be NOT Equal to the value mentioned. If given value is equal to the value it will return false & if value is greater or less than it will return true.

For eg. IF(A1<>500,"TRUE","FALSE")

These operators are also used in same way in Programming Languages also.

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कुमार वैभव 
वैभव कंप्यूटर सेंटर एवं कंसल्टेंसी 
वैभव सदन, देवकाली रोड, 
फैज़ाबाद, अयोध्या। 
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