Shortcut Keys in Tally

Shortcut Keys in Tally


Character in a Word has been kept bold which can be used as shortcut key for doing that particular work. As in Create Company C has been kept bold. When you press C/c you will get the screen of Create Company opened up.


Another thing that has been done is that there is an underline beneath the Character. A single underline means that, the partiular character is to be pressed with Alt key. As if we want to Shut Company we can see that it is written there as F1 : Shut Company. So to Shut the Company one has to Press Alt+F1.


There are also some Characters with double underline beneath them. At the time of doing Voucher Entry of Purchase we can see a double underline beneath V which is written as V : As Voucher, in this case one has to press the character V with Ctrl Key.


The shortcut keys are assigned with different work at different screens as Alt + F1 is used to Shut Company when we are at Gateway of Tally, but the same is used to change the Voucher type to Inventory Voucher while doing Voucher Entry.This means that the same keywords can change at different screens.

Esc: Escape key is used to get back out of the window or a menu.

Here I have taken the mostly used shortcut keys in Tally & tried to write separately according to the menu they are used.


Gateway of Tally

F1 – Select Company

Alt + F1 – Shut Company

F2 – Date

Alt + F2 – Period

F3 – Company – Works when more than one company are open.

Alt + F3 – Company Info.

F11 – Features

F12 – Configure


F12 – Configure options changes with the change in menu.

Alt +  C : for creating account from where you are doing entry. 

Ctrl + Enter : for modifying the selected account from the point of entry.

Alt + D : Deleting the ledger/ voucher etc. at alter mode.

Ctrl + Q : to directly quit from Tally

Ctrl + A : to accept the entry from any point in between the entry.

Alt + X : to cancel a voucher. A cancelled voucher can be seen in day book. 

Accounts Info. (Group / Ledger Creation)

L – Ctrl + L – Ledgers – will take you to Ledger Creation

G – Ctrl + G – Groups – will take you to Group Creation

V – Ctrl + V – Voucher – will take you to Voucher Type Creation


Inventory Info. (Stock Group / Stock Item Creation)

I – Ctrl + I – Items – will take you to Stock Item Creation

G – Ctrl + G – Groups – will take you to Stock Group Creation

U –Ctrl + U – Units – will take you to Unit Creation

V – Ctrl + V – Voucher – will take you to Voucher Type Creation



Accounting Vouchers

F1 – Accounting Voucher

Alt + F1 – Inventory Voucher

F2 – Date – to change date

F3 – Company – to change current company

F4 – Contra – Contra Voucher

F5 – Payment – Payment Voucher

F6 – Receipt – Receipt Voucher

F7 – Journal – Journal Voucher

F8 – Sales – Sales Voucher

F8 – Ctrl + F8 – Credit Note – Credit Note Voucher

F9 – Purchase – Purchase Voucher

F9 – Ctrl + F9 – Debit Note – Debit Note Voucher

F10 – Reversing Journal – Reversing Journal Voucher

F10 – Ctrl + F10 – Memos

S – Alt + S – Stock Query – For viewing details of Stock Items

A – Alt + A – Tax Analysis – For viewing Tax applied in details

V – Ctrl + V – to do entry as voucher / as invoice

T – Ctrl + T – to mark an entry as Post-Dated / Current

I – Alt + I – Accounting Invoice

L – Ctrl + L – to mark an entry as optional


When you press Alt + S for Stock Query some more keys can be used which are mentioned below

F2 – Period – to change the financial year

F3 – Company – to change the company

F4 – Item – to change item type

F5 – Show/ Hide Stat Info – to view/hide item tax details

F6 – Show Reorders – to view/hide item tax details

F7 – Price List – to view price list

F7 – Ctrl + F7 – Top Buyers/Sellers – to view top buyers/ sellers list

C – Alt + C – Contact – to see contact details of the supplier

F8 – Related Reports – to view reports related to stock items.

F9 – Inventory Reports – to view inventory reports.

F10 – A/c Reports – to view account reports Balance Sheet, Day book, etc.


When you press Alt + A you can view details of tax applied in condensed or detailed form by pressing F1.

F1 – Alt  + F1 – It is used to view Detailed or Condensed report and is available in almost all sub menus, such as Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss A/c, Day book, etc.


P – Alt  + P – Print – to print the report, voucher we are seeing.

These options come when we press Alt + P

L – Alt  + L – Language – to change print language.

I – Alt  + I – with Preview/ no Preview – to print after seeing preview or directly.

L – Alt  + L – Language – to change print language.

G – Ctrl  + G – Page Nos. – to set the number of pages to be printed.

R – Alt  + R – Plain Paper/ Pre-Printed  – to set on which paper you want to print.

F – Alt  + F – Print Format – to set print mode

C – Alt  + C – Copies – to set number of copies to be printed

S – Alt  + S – Select Printer – to select the printer on which you want to print.

While Viewing Day Book

Alt + 2 : to make duplicate of an entry

Alt + A : to make a new voucher entry while viewing day book.

Alt + I : to insert a new voucher.

F4 : to view particular voucher type

Alt + F12 : is used to select the range of date.

Used while printing 

Alt + R : to remove a line. 

Alt + U : to restore the removed line.

Ctrl + U : Restore all the removed lines at a time.

Space : used to select or deselect a vouchers.

Ctrl + space : to select or deselect all vouchers. 

There are many more keys which come under different menus. But the one mentioned above are the basic shortcut keys and are most frequently used.

Hoping this blog is understandable. 

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