MS-Excel also has the options of Header and Footer as there is in MS-Word. Here I would like to explain the Basic elements of Header and Footer in MS-Excel. 

When we click on Header and Footer option in Insert Menu, we get a New Menu called Design. First Tab which we get under Header & Footer Design Menu is Header & Footer. 

This is used to insert preset options given in the list to a document. 

Second Tab - Header & Footer Elements

Header & Footer opens up in a Page Layout view. It shows Ruler lines also and provides three spaces in Header & Footer area. Left, Center & Right. 
It looks like:

In these above given area we can fill the elements separately. 

The options in elements are as follows:

Page Number: This is used to Insert Page Number in the area given in Header of Footer.

Number of Pages: This is used to insert the Total Number of Pages in a worksheet.

Current Date: This is used to insert Current Date. But please note the Current Date the system Date, which is currently being displayed on the system. This date will change with the change in system date. 

Current Time: This is used to insert Current Time. But please note the Current Time the system Date, which is currently being displayed on the system. This time will change with the change in system time. 

File Path: This will display the path where you have stored your file. Normally it looks like:


here vcc is used in place of computer user in example.

book1 is used in place of filename. 

These both may differ from system to system.

File Name: This displays the Name of the File in Header or Footer where ever you place it. By default or not saved it is Book1

Sheet Name: It displays the Worksheet name which may be Sheet1, Sheet2, etc. or whatever name is given to the sheet by the user.

Picture: This is used to insert a picture in Header of Footer.

Format Picture: This is dull and highlights only when a picture is inserted in Header or Footer. It pops up a dialogue box, which is used to resize the inserted picture. 

Third Tab - Navigation

Here we get two options Go to Header / Go to Footer. This is used to switch between Header and Footer.

Fourth Tab - Options

Here in options we get four more options which are 

Different First Page: If this option is selected it allows to put different Header & Footer in First page and in other pages it will remain same.

Different Odd & Even Page: If this option is selected it allows to put different Headers & Footers in Odd and Even Pages. 

Scale with Document - Specifies if the header and footer should scale if you use the "Shrink to Fit" feature. 

Align with Page Numbers - Aligns the sides of the header and footer to the page margins.

Hope the information in this blog is useful.

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Center website: www.vccfzd1.weebly.com


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